About me

Hello there! My name is Jana and I recently moved from Hamburg, Germany to Salzburg in Austria, where I have never been before. So I’m currently exploring a completely new place and have that magic feeling when everything feels new and exciting. Quick facts about me: I am a serious tea addict, I am not a morning person (better don’t talk to me before 9 am). I love long breakfasts, I am crazy about my smoothies and love trying out new recipes, I am a big fan of classical music, playing my piano is my holy space, my plants are my babies and I love long walks in nature. Oh and I really enjoy taking photos. This blog started a few years ago with the idea of sharing my passion for traveling and now deals more with sustainability inspirations as I realized especially far distance traveling needs to take some steps backwards for me for sustainability reasons.

During my travel experiences I learned more and more how connected I feel to nature and how much it heals me to spend time in nature. I realized loving nature for me means caring for it and trying to not cause any harm. Well, the opposite is happening because of the system we live in, that I am part of and because of the way we live and this makes me truly sad. I have seen many images of what is done to our earth and that effected me deeply. Throughout the past years I slowly gained more and more awareness about this and I began to explore ways to reduce my personal impact. I also realized that living consciously and trying to live according to my values makes me truly happy.

Oh and what do I actually do in Salzburg, Austria? I have a Master’s degree in Management & Entrepreneurship and focused on corporate sustainability during my studies. Throughout my studies I realized that economic thinking is often missing out on ethics and I want to take part in changing that. I have been consulting businesses and projects on sustainability. Now I work in the international sustainability department of a big retail company. Next to that I write piano pieces and in the late evenings I play piano music in bars and on events (for further insights into my piano music click here).

I invite you to follow along with me through my thoughts and findings and if you find any inspiration here on this blog I am already more than happy.

Follow me on Instagram for further inspiration